Chakra Balancing
Chakra balancing encourages your body to return to a natural state of balance and joy using knowledge of the energetic system. A treatment could include: gentle touch, guided visualization, Reiki, crystals, or personal affirmations.
Stuck in a Rut – Feeling like you are stuck and no matter what you do you can’t break the repetitious cycle. Most of the time this come from deep seeded fear of believing you are not worthy, don’t have the education, and a lack of confidence.
Emotional – Most emotional issues caused by years of repeatedly listening to limited beliefs programmed by family and friends, teachers and spiritual leaders.
Lack Self-Esteem – No matter what you do or how hard you work, you feel like it isn’t good enough, and it will never be good enough? Is the recording in your head continuously playing?
Can’t Find the Love of Your Life – First of all the love of your life should be ‘you’! Then it is time to attract a partner. You need to learn to value yourself and honoring yourself first.
Do You Feel Voiceless– Do you have words stuck in your throat that are trying to get out, but you worry how your words will be received?
These are just a few examples of what my clients feel when starting their healing journeys with Heaven Scent Therapies. Working together we can open up, balance and adjust the energy flow in your Chakras, assisting you in breaking these sabotaging cycles we often find ourselves in, helping you to let go and be comfortable within yourself.
Chakra Balancing Costs
Consultation and Therapy: 1 hour - £35.00
Chakra balancing explanation
Discussion of clients needs
Plan for course of treatment
Review of previous treatment
Chakra balancing treatment